Who You Gonna Call?

Now that that song is (hopefully) successfully stuck in your head, let’s talk Ghostbusters. The original, mind you. I haven’t quite decided whether or not I have the stomach for the remake.

Ghostbusters is one of those movies I love to quote and reference. It’s so deeply ingrained in our collective cultural subconscious. I end up watching it probably at least once a year. Every time I watch it I notice something new, but even two years out of film school I’ve never really watched it with a critical eye. It’s just too fun for that.

The first thing that sticks out to me is how well the film has aged, minus the fashion. So many contemporary films–films where the setting is as much a character as the people–become so inundated with pop culture references that in ten years no one can remember what was being referenced. As much as I love Deadpool, I already had to explain the shake weight joke to people when the film came out. But honestly, there is so little of that in Ghostbusters that the only thing I can think of offhand is Casey Kasem. The humor in the film is sort of classic, or at least timeless: verbal wit, physical humor, and the occasional well-placed dick joke.

As a result, I think we could probably keep watching it for the next 50 years and it’ll still never really date itself. Except for maybe Sigourney Weaver’s hair. Although, big curly hair is having a comeback, so who knows?

The other interesting thing is that, despite being a harmless-seeming comedy, the plot is actually pretty sophisticated. It doesn’t quite follow the “Hollywood three-act structure,” but it hits a lot of the major beats in a lot of the major story theories. There are some very real stakes, there’s great character development. Honestly, in many ways, it’s better than most of what comes out of Hollywood nowadays. The more I think critically about Ghostbusters, in fact, the more impressed I get. There’s a lot more to that film than immediately meets the eye.

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