A Halloween Challenge

Let me open by saying that I freaking love Halloween. It’s by far not only my favorite holiday, but also my favorite day of the year. And with Halloween 1st upon us, I want to try something I’ve tried every October for the past three or four years. In the spirit of the season, I’m going to try and watch a different scary, spooky, creepy movie every day this month.

In years past I’ve tried to watch a new scary spooky creepy movie every day – that is, one I personally have never seen before. But that’s a lot easier said than done. So this time around I’m going to let myself watch movies I’ve seen before. I’m also going to allow Halloween specials of hour-long television dramas to fill the role of a feature-length film if necessary. But with two things made easier, I need to give myself a new challenge, and here it is: I’m going to post a review of each and every film I watch. That means one new post every day for the month of Halloween–I mean, October.

They won’t all be long reviews, mind you. In fact, I might give myself a scoring formula to make things easier (and therefore encourage myself to stay on top of things). We’ll see how I feel after the first week.

Following that, I do have a backlog of five posts I’ve written longhand that just need to be typed, edited, and published. Expect your regularly scheduled programming to resume on November 4th. I should, at time of publishing, have those already queued up and ready to go.

The goal here is to get myself back into the habit of blogging regularly, and hopefully also get the creative juices flowing again. As I think I’ve mentioned over on Tidbits, I’ve felt kind of burnt out and creatively blocked lately. God willing all I need is the proper motivation. And how can you argue with this?

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